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Living Well with Menopause Workshop

Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle tweaks and guidance for

optimal health, fitness and wellness…naturally ❤️

Are you struggling with menopause? Girl, let’s talk!

Who would benefit most from this workshop? Women in menopause and post-menopause. 

You do not need to follow a plant based diet to participate.


I’ll share strategies to: sleep better, manage your weight, gain muscle, lose body fat, improve the appearance of your skin, raise metabolism, improve bone density, and more!


We'll talk about the following symptoms and you’ll be armed with detailed strategies to help remedy them, naturally! 

  • Weight gain

  • Belly fat

  • Sleep deprivation/insomnia 

  • Insulin Resistance 

  • Low energy 

  • Slow metabolism 

  • Loss of bone density

  • Muscle loss

  • Mood swings

  • Hot flashes 

  • Anxiety

  • Dry, crepey skin

  • And more…


I will also share my experience of how I managed to live very well with menopause. I am now postmenopausal and doing really great! I can’t wait to share how I did it with you! 


The body is a complex machine. The more balanced it is, the better you’ll feel. What does it take to be in balance? Let’s talk!


I want to help you live your best life yet!

What to expect:

Information about menopause, why we struggle and strategies to overcome it. You'll get a detailed game plan, including recommended workouts, nutrition strategies (you do not have to follow a plant based diet to participate), adaptogens, resources, and weekly 30-minute follow-up Zoom calls.

Date: TBA

Time: 1pm to 5pm

Cost: $99 (Workshop limit: 20)

Text me (Diane) to secure your spot in the workshop

Location: Diane's house, Folsom, CA

Healthy snacks served.


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