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"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

- Hippocrates


Upcoming Classes and Workshops



Contact me if you would like to be on my list for upcoming classes or host your own class with your friends!


Erin (and Wilson)
Cyclist, Competitive Cyclist, athlete

If you are contemplating working with a nutritionist, or fitness coach, then I highly recommend Diane Hanes!

She was amazing in helping me when I was having a lot of digestive issues and wanted to work on some fitness goals.  Diane truly cares, listens and customizes a program specifically for you.  Diane is a wealth of knowledge and tracks your goals frequently to make any minor tweaks and give feedback.  Diane is an incredible teacher and passionate about what she does.  

For all of the above reasons, I recommended Diane to my husband as he too had some fitness goals he couldn't seem to accomplish no matter how hard he tried.  With education and analysis, Diane was able to help my husband finally cross that barrier and achieve his weight and fitness goals too.  Diane is an incredible human that is non judgemental and will meet you wherever you are at in your fitness journey to help you get the results you desire!

Thank you Diane for helping both my husband and myself!

High level runner
Remote one-on-one nutrition coaching

Diane has not only improved my diet and wellbeing through an incredibly personalized experience, but she has fundamentally changed my relationship with food. As a competitive athlete who values both my performance and health, it's been nothing short of game-changing to have received her professional help to meet my goals.

Maria and John
Participated in a group 30-day challenge

Diane: [we] are very pleased with what we've learned and the results of completing your 30 day challenge.... 

We were very happy with the results. We both lost significant weight/fat, "cleaned out" our systems which left us feeling great with plenty of energy, and learned a great deal about how to eat, what to eat and when to eat. I didn't experience any of the acid reflux I'd had fairly regularly before the challenge....we now know we can occasionally eat a meal out and have a glass of wine without losing the motivation and benefits such a diet offers.


Meet Diane


Health and wellness has been part of my life from a young age.  Due to some family health challenges, I have tried to live my best life, in the most healthful way possible.


I do my best to stay current when it comes to new science in nutrition and fitness. I guess you could say I'm a bit obsessed about it. But, it's my passion and I love learning, because the more I know, the better I can help my clients and myself.​



Organic Vegetables
Varieties of Grain
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